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Mental Health


Breaking the stigma

Why is it that when someone breaks a leg, everyone is sending cards and asking if you need a helping hand, but when you're suffering from a mental illness it's icy quiet and people even seem to avoid making contact with you?


Even now, in 2021, there's still a mental health stigma and I'd like to be part of breaking the stigma. Due to several traumatic events in the past, I've been struggling with my mental health for a very long time. And that's exactly where my inspiration to write about mental health is coming from. I remember how an encouraging message from another survivor could be like a sparkle of light in the darkness. Hope for better days to come.


Now that my darkest days are behind me, I feel more than ever inspired to share my lessons and inspiration with others. To be that sparkle of hope for someone else in their darkest days. Mental health won't be the only thing I'll be writing about on my blog, but for sure it will be an important part of my blog.


Do you feel like sharing something with my around this subject?

Don't hesitate and just send me a message in the box below, I'll get back to you quickly!


Remember, It's okay not to be okay and this too shall pass.

(two of my favourite phrases in one sentence ;-))


Thanks for submitting!

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